
From IVP Wiki
Revision as of 04:24, 27 June 2012 by Bill Densmore (talk | contribs) (Structures (and problems))

"The World We Want to Create --- RGI Pivot Point Chicago's Groups 2 &5 Groups 2 & 5


  1. Help people understand their world
  2. Promote a sense of agency for people in their communities
  3. Show the community to itself—a collective sense of the whole
  4. Being inclusive of the reader’s authority (eg, Davis Wiki/Local Wiki)
  5. Hold power accountable
  6. connect economies
  7. tell stories and delight people
  8. Strive to ignite passion
  9. embody trust and credibility

Structures (and problems)

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 5:28 PM, Amy Garmer > wrote the material above.