We are Newshare Corp., a Massachusetts-based provider of interactive services to newspapers, broadcasters, new media and the public. For a complete profile of our corporate mission, personnel and operations, point your web browser to:
We are located at One Bank St., P.O. Box 367, Williamstown, MA 01267.
Our main voice line is (413) 458-001 and our fax line is 458-8002.
We are creating a World Wide Web-based news brokerage enabling
content providers to exchange news and time-sensitive information among
each other and with the public. The system enables the exchange of credits
and payments for discrete access to individual web pages at rates
determined by the member-providers.
If you would like more information about our services and do not
have access to a Mosaic-style web browser, you may send a blank email
message to the following addresses and receive the replies indicated:
info@newshare.com -- Introduction to Newshare Syndicate
syndicate@newshare.com -- Information about syndicate membership
publish@newshare.com -- Information about publishing membershp
We offer a FEE listserve mailing list to free-lance journalists
and artists. To subscribe, send a message to
freelance-request@newshare.com and you will receive an automatic reply.
The email addresses of our principal founding directors include:
Bill Densmore, President & Editor: densmore@newshare.com
David Oliver, Technology Director: dave@newshare.com
Bernard Re Jr., Site Design and Marketing Director: bernie@newshare.com or THE4RES@aol.com
E. Allen Rhodes, Finance Director: otic@ix.netcom.com
For general correspondence please EMAIL to: mail@newshare.com.
For comments on our services, MAIL to: feedback@newshare.com.
Thank-you for communicating with us.
Newshare WWW site is a service of Newshare Corp.. a Massachusetts-based broker of digital information for newspapers, broadcasters and the public.
The Newshare name is a service mark of Newshare Corp.
Copyright, 1995, Newshare Corp. All rights reserved.
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If you have comments or suggestions about Newshare Resource Center, please email them to feedback@newshare.com.
The Corporate Office of Newshare:
Newshare Corp.
One Bank St., P.O. Box 367
Williamstown, MA 01267-0367 USA
VOICE: (413) 458-8001
FAX: (413) 458-8002
EMAIL: mail@newshare.com
The Newshare Resource Center is sponsored in part by: Crocker Communications, a Northampton, Mass.-based supplier of Internet connectivity and telephone-answering services.