Why Newshare(sm)?
Newshare(sm): a broker of time-sensitive information.
Our technological capability to acquire and transmit
information has rapidly exceeded our ability to intelligently
use it. So much so that many people now feel an overwhelming
sense of "information glut." In a technology sense, the
Internet, because of its open standards, makes possible a true
"global village" where information is shared freely and often
at little or no expense. But the information is largely
disorganized and difficult to find. The so-called commercial
online services -- Compuserve, America Online, Prodigy, Delphi
and Genie -- organize information but generally lack an
editorial or analytical focus. They are essentially information
utilities with little value added.
Newshare(sm) will function as a broker of time-sensitive
information (news), adding format, context and selection --
so that the information is both fun and useful. With
Newshare(sm), users will be able to define how and what they
hear, see and read in collaboration with editors, co-publishers
and information providers. There will be no single "edition" of
a Newshare(sm); each user, each editor, each
co-publisher will create his or her own "edition" which may be
displayed in audio, video or print forms -- transient or permanent.