The Internet's first news broker

Newshare develops partner and other business strategies and services related to web/mobile news and information for independent media and print publishers, including newspapers. Advisory services may focus on:

    • Content-sales systems
    • Networked user management and authentication
    • Competitive local media
    • Independent new-media best practices

Newshare connects people with digital news, information and entertainment relevant to their lives and their communities.

We're championing ways for America's editors to help citizens discover their share of the news, and circulate the news that matters to their friends, families and colleagues. The YourStream service is curated and offered from America's local newsrooms and topical experts.

Together we're helping journalists to deliver:


  • The Information Trust Exchange Project incubated by the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute
  • YourStream -- news personalization you control
  • Could coffee houses help sustain journalism?
  • homepressteam

    75 Water Street
    Williamstown MA 01267 (USA)

    Newshare is a servicemark of DBS Systems Inc. In 1994, Newshare developed The Clickshare Service, a transaction platform for digital content purchasing and multi-site user authentication. The Clickshare Service is now operated by Clickshare Service Corp.